
My journal is a place to express my thoughts about what I do. The entries you see here are prompted by client scenarios or the ideas that inform my work. I hope they may be useful to those who are trying to find out about me or who want stimulus for their own thinking.

Lucy Ball Director of Lucy Ball Consulting

Crisis Leadership: 3 Hows

This is a challenging time to be a leader. I want to share three ways I see leaders handling things well. We are in a…


I really know how to catastrophise. And, at the moment, I think many of you might know it too. Catastrophising or Catastrophic thinking is when…

5 tips for doing deep work via video

When I say ‘deep’ I mean work that requires a level of human connection that is typically achieved face to face. I mean leadership work like…

How are you feeling about the planet now?

A few months ago I posted about Climate Crisis and Ecological Breakdown. I said I’d been living alongside the facts for many years but not…

Career questions: What do I want next?

Some of my coaching clients are senior leaders wondering about what’s next for them. This could be because of a re-organisation or redundancy or a…

My friend, my inner critic

You are not good enough! You are ridiculous! You are a failure! You are too slow! You are too messy! You are bad! You are…

When teams have baggage

So much of my work with executive teams focuses on the future. What is our shared purpose? What are we trying to achieve? How will…

Am I biased?

As more and more organisations put diversity and inclusion on their agendas, many leaders are confronted with, or choose to ask themselves, the question “Am…

The cycle of experience

In 1947, Fritz Perls began to shape an idea that became the Gestalt Cycle of Experience. It was built upon by successive Gestalt thinkers including…

Presence is so much more than charisma

Many of my clients, have, at some point in their career, wanted to build more presence. Perhaps they have had feedback that they need to…

Ignore psychological safety at your peril

Psychological Safety has become part of the business and leadership lexicon. It is a simple, but powerful phenomenon. It describes a state in which one…

On striving

Striving: Trying hard; making one’s way with effort; straining; exerting yourself. What’s your relationship with striving? I see striving as neither good nor bad in itself,…

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